Tuesday 8 November 2011

Campaigns and Projects

These two campaigns by Volkswagen and Converse encourage activity:

The Fun Theory Piano Stairs (Volkswagen):

This playful addition of adding piano keys and sounds to stairs encouraged people to use them instead of using the escalators.

In Case of Emergency (Converse):

These Converse walking boots were placed in secret locations across the UK and encouraged people to venture out in the hope of finding them.

The following two campaigns follow the theme Projects Not Campaigns and aim to enrich people's everyday lives.

Levi's Go Forth To Work: Braddock, PA

Levi's Go Forth Street Murals: Berlin

These video's show Levi's investing in towns and people and their futures.

Pepsi Refresh Project:

This campaign got people to suggest projects for Pepsi to fund, this used social media and word of mouth as a key tool for spreading their message.


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